Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why Bodybuilding?

Why Bodybuilding?

I didn’t choose bodybuilding; bodybuilding chose me. 

     I’ve been asked countless times, “what got you into bodybuilding?”  Or, “why would you go put yourself through all of that?”  Honestly…I’ve asked myself the same thing at times!  Haha, Juuusst kidding!  This sport, and the fitness lifestyle, is certainly not for the weak or faint of heart.  It takes Dedication, Determination, and Drive.  It takes patience, discipline, consistency, accountability, passion, honesty, faithfulness, and COUNTLESS other extremely powerful traits that can, and WILL eventually land you on top.  By “top” I don’t mean taking first place at a competition either!  

     As you learned in my last blog, I wasn’t the naturally muscular or genetically “gifted” individual that took to the fitness lifestyle because it was an obvious or easy path for me.  It was in fact those above-mentioned traits that lead me to it…and will also carry me through to reach my goals!!  It’s the same reasons why I excelled in school and academics as to why I found a passion in the fitness lifestyle.  In the beginning, it’s the instant gratification and reward; that feeling when you ace a test can be related to the first signs of change or progress when getting into fitness!  You get complimented by others for a job well done…and it feels GOOD!!  You WORKED for something and got the results you DESERVED!  Whether or not you continue with your “success” is entirely up to you and your desire to reach your goals.  Just as it took the discipline to study in school, to focus and to do your homework; you dedicate yourself to whatever it takes to get the job done!  The best part is that as I’ve progressed through fitness, I’ve been able to refine such traits and use them to take control of LIFE!!

     You see, each and every one of the “skills” used in fitness can and SHOULD be adapted into everyday life.  What this sport has given back to ME, is nothing short of a blessing.  Aside from the health aspects, the benefits of the lifestyle have developed me into who I am today.  With bodybuilding, every move you take, every decision you make (sorry if that song is now stuck in your head…) impacts your end result.  Should you skip this one workout and go have a beer with the guys?  Is that donut really going to hurt me?  In the long run; maybe so…maybe not.  The big picture is these decisions you make eventually can lead you to a slippery slope, or they can carry you through and bring perseverance to “life”.  I feel that it’s a grey world that we live in - not black and white.  We are an entity comprised of individuals, and that makes the world complete and diverse.  With that being said, I feel like there is not necessarily a right or wrong choice most of the time, but there will always be a “better” choice.  What that “better” choice actually is will depend on your morals and goals in life.  Am I suggesting that everyone gets involved in bodybuilding to make the world a better place?  -Absolutely not.  Am I judging people that make life choices other than those that coincide with a fitness lifestyle?  -Come on!  What this fitness lifestyle does is hold us accountable to goals we set – and that’s what it all boils down to in my opinion.  It’s just like a marriage; you can’t cheat on your goals and expect them to work out for you!!  Again, you use the discipline, you use your dedication, and you RESPECT YOURSELF enough to take each and every step to move TOWARDS your goal!  If you aren’t moving in the direction towards your goal, you’re moving backwards. 

     Another one of the greatest things that this lifestyle has brought me is a second family.  Not just within 970Muscle, but the fitness community in a whole!  It is by far the most positive, uplifting, and encouraging group I’ve been involved with.  I’ve been fortunate to have met some absolutely incredible people that have truly impacted my life.  At times, its friends like this that really pull you through a lull spot in training, or reaching your goals.  I’ve literally met people in other cities and gotten to know them well enough that once we met in person, it was as if we were long lost friends.  Even though it exists, it doesn’t take research to show you that you will grow a special bond with those who you not only suffer or sacrifice with, but also succeed with!  I feel like this is what makes our fitness community so strong and successful!  We relate to each other’s struggles, and accompany our passion with success.

Ok, off my soap box…

     My training has been going great!  Progression has been positive and I’ve been strong on diet and with my workouts!  Slowly dropping body fat while GAINING quality muscle!  Gotta love that!!  Lifting heavy and packing in the food! (Quality food, that is!)  The best part; I’m enjoying every minute of it!!  I’ve also been able to help others where I can and still work towards my goals, which means everything to me!  We’ll be taking measurements soon so I’ll get you guys updates in the next blog.  I hope you all are successfully moving in a direction towards your goals as well, and if there is anything I can do to help any of you get there; shout!!  :)

     Thanks again for taking the time to read, and feedback is always appreciated!  Remember, positivity is power friends!!

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at:
970Muscle Website:

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