Monday, February 18, 2013

Education, Work, and Persistence

  Education, Work, and Persistence

            To me, these are the three key elements in seeing a change in both your body AND mind.  There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.  There is no secret diet, no special exercise, and no one supplement that is going to get you magical results.  It takes proper nutrition, a LOT of hard work, and time.  Make a commitment to yourself for the benefit of health, fitness, and appeal. 

            We should all really make a vow to ourselves to never stop learning in life; ESPECIALLY when it comes to the complexity of the human body.  After all, your body is the only true place that you have to live!  With the cost of medicine, the joy of life, and desire to be the best you can be…why wouldn’t you want to educate yourself on how to achieve your goals and what the effects and affects are to your body when it comes to both nutrition AND physical exercise?!  I would recommend anyone, and really-EVERYONE to get in touch with the RIGHT trainer when beginning their fitness journey.  I just urge that you don’t become dependent of them; Ask questions, take notes, and make it understandable and functional for YOU!  Make it something that will interest you and give you a baseline to build off of.  RESEARCH questions that you may have or that other people might bring up to you once you are recognized for your achievements!  It will happen.   I promise.  Unfortunately, the most asked question I get:  “What are you taking?”  (Friends- please, please, please…DO NOT ask this question to someone you know that has obviously worked their ass off for a desirable physique!  It’s offensive and just shows ignorance on your part!  …just my two cents :)  Learn basic nutrition and the breakdown of macros to know what will help you reach your goals.  Learn the musculoskeletal system and how each exercise works for its specific target. It will not only help you perform the exercise correctly, but help with the always necessary mind-to-muscle connection that is incredibly beneficial! 

            Can you just follow a meal plan and a workout sheet and get by?  Sure.  But why wouldn’t you want to take it on your own know what you’re putting in your body and what you are physically doing to it to get one result or the other??  Think long term and the big picture benefits!  Learn so you can encourage others to make the same positive changes and embark on an incredibly beneficial journey!

            Work (noun); Activity involving mental physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

            It’s no secret that it takes a great amount of work to accomplish your goals of fitness and physical change.  There’s no way out of it.  My friends at Earn It Apparel nailed it with their mantra that “Nothing Great is Given.”  If it was, it wouldn’t be worth having.  With that being said; the reward for achieving your results would be MUCH less rewarding if it didn’t require the dedication and work that you put into reaching them.  This is also why a strong support group is SOO valuable!  Surround yourself with like-minded people that are willing to share the struggles with you and not only your rewards!  Put in the work.  Every. Damn. Day.  In one way or another, you should be working towards your goals.  Whether it be physically in the gym, working in the kitchen to prepare for your success, researching and learning, or even planning rest; it’s all considered work that is crucial for you to reach what you’re striving for.

“No one said it’d be easy, but it WILL be worth it.” 

            Persistence.  Give it time guys and gals.  If you have the mentality that “I’m going to go on this diet for a month and get to where I’m happy with my body and I’ll be good”…you are sadly mistaken.  That’s why “diets” don’t work.  Commit to a healthy meal plans that is sustainable and works FOR you!  If you lose 5 or even 10 pounds in a month on some extreme or bizarre diet...10 times out of 10 you WILL gain every bit of that back.  Maybe more.  Be sensible with your choices and accept that it will take time and work to not only get to where you want to be, but to MAINTAIN it as well!  Don’t give up.  Not now.  Not ever.

            I’m now just under 8 weeks out from competition and I have NO complaints!  Strength has improved and I’ve managed to gain noticeable size WHILE dropping body fat – the ideal scenario!!  I’ll begin shaving calories and carb cycling to really work towards ultimate leanness and getting those deep cuts!  I hope everyone else is doing great with their progress and staying strong!  Remember;  It’s more than physical.

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at:
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