Sunday, March 17, 2013

Poise – Not always a “light” load to carry.

Poise – Not always a “light” load to carry.

     How we carry ourselves is often times the only basis of perception that the outside world has on us.  First impressions are often times our last impression, and while it doesn’t always seem like it matters what’s going through our personal thoughts at any given time, you’d be amazed at what can be telegraphed through our body language.  This was a lesson I learned the hard way at my first show.  Stage fright, nervousness, jitters, or butterflies are understandable and pretty much expected; but when your mind is not right, you’re cutting your own legs right out from underneath you before you even step on stage.  This doesn’t only apply to competition either… this is LIFE my friends!  

     The above picture was taken at the night show of the 2011 Warrior.  Looking at this picture, I feel proud.  I feel happy with my journey up to that point and it all stems from the smile on my face.  However, I still wish I could go back to that very morning during pre-judging and do it all over again.  At pre-judging, just hours before, I looked NOTHING like this – and it had NOTHING to do with any changes in my body or posing.  I can’t tell you everything that was going through my head at the time, but I know it was about 90% negative and it showed through my facial expressions and body language like you wouldn’t believe.  Standing up there, I had no idea.  But I’ll never forget the questions and looks on my teammate’s faces when I got off the stage.  I placed last in my class (16th) at this show.  Again, placings are not the reason why I compete and in my opinion, shouldn’t matter to anyone unless you are looking at taking things to a professional level.  Nonetheless, the disappointment of placing last as a sole result of my actions and attitude for the (maybe) 5 minutes I had on stage, is the biggest let down I could imagine and I PROMISE you…it will never happen again.  I urge ALL competitors to take this seriously.  Not just for the sake of wanting to place better, but for your own piece of mind and enjoyment.  DON’T do what I did and destroy months’ worth of sacrifice and hard work because you can’t find the right place in your head to stand proud and soak in every incredible moment you have on stage, AND the times that brought you there!  Think back at the incredible journey that took to where you are.  Think of all the people that supported you and your goals along the way.  Take pride in the fact that you committed to such an incredible feat and STUCK WITH IT!!  There is so much to be thankful for and appreciate at any moment.  Your time on stage is time to SHINE!

      Like I said before, this applies to everyone, at any given time.  In that business meeting or presentation, approaching someone of the opposite sex, as you sit down in front of your peers with the same chicken and rice and vegetables that you eat EVERY day at lunch; ANYTHING that you have set your mind to accomplish should be carried out with your maximum effort and best attitude!  Be confident that you are taking action that supports yourself and your goals.  Self-doubt and insecurities don’t look good on anyone and should be permanently locked up!  Head up, shoulders back, and walk tall my friends.  Carry yourself with grace, elegance, balance, and confidence.  Please though, use caution and DO NOT mistake confidence for cockiness…no one has time for that.  ;-)  Also, never underestimate the power of a smile.  Try it out next time you are in public.  You never know, you might save a life.

     My competition prep is moving right along and I’ve certainly gained a whole new level of respect for the sport after two weeks of posing practice!  It’s a workout in itself!  I never doubted it, but you never know what things are like until you experience them yourself.  The next 4 weeks of conditioning are very exciting and I get to watch my physique really take shape and transform!  Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you are all moving forward with your goals!  Stay Strong!!

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at: 

970Muscle Website:

970Muscle Facebook Page:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Real Life.

Real Life.

     Hey friends!  The 2013 NPC Axis Labs Northern Colorado Championships are now 6 weeks out, and the game is just as serious as ever!  Training, diet, prep, posing, and mental toughness are a true test each and every day.  I said it once, and I’ll say it a million times; this sport is not for the weak.  The last two weeks have been less than pleasurable for me and my progress, but the fact of life remains no matter what goals, hopes, or dreams we have in front of us!  Unfortunately I have been plagued by a nasty virus, followed by sinus infection, and general illness that has been less than favorable towards my progress, goals, and especially my attitude.  But it’s not over!

     I’m going to keep it real with you guys.  I’m not someone who sees life as nothing but sunshine and rainbows.  It’s just not.  With that being said, I still strive and encourage everyone to see the positives in any and all oppositions that come our way in “the real world”.  I’m definitely a realist, but please don’t take anything I say as pessimism.  I chose to accept all emotions willingly, and use them to my advantage.  In my opinion, hate is the second most powerful emotion to love; but you must know how to control and channel hate to use it to your benefit.   Is it a negative emotion or just a dangerous, difficult one?  Really that’s up to you, your control and your approach to life.  In the last couple weeks I’ve experienced everything from pride, success, and empowerment, all the way to frustration, weakness, and defeat.  I’m no different than anyone else!  What makes “us” different is to have the heart and soul of a champion.  “It’s not how many times you’ve been knocked down, it’s how many times you can get hit and keep going!”  

     Not being healthy enough to get your workouts in, or to push yourself to your full potential can be incredibly challenging to one’s mental strength and detriment.  We should only be in this to compete with ourselves, but there is that determination in us to push as hard as we possibly can and bring our absolute best package.  I’m not going to lie…there have been days in the last two weeks that it was advised that I just rest and let my body recover; great advice, but not easy to take.  There were days that I took this advice and days that I pushed through anyway.  With both of these aspects, I had days where I thought to myself, “well, that was dumb…should’ve just went to bed”, and days that I felt accomplished and better after my lift.  We’ve all dealt with this and will ultimately make our own decision based on all factors of “life” around us.  By all means, if you think you may have a contagious virus, please stay out of the gym and save others around you from suffering!!  It was once I was on antibiotics is when I chose to push or not.  It’s very difficult for me to accept that it’s best for me to rest and relax when I’m this close to being able to show off what I’ve worked so hard and long for; but it truly is the best thing in the long run.  It’s a journey, not a destination.  Health should stay as our number one priority.  

     I’m looking forward to all the upcoming posing practice and really dialing everything in as soon as I am back to health!  My goal is to really focus on my conditioning from here on in!  Slowly dropping the body fat and maintain muscle mass.  I’ve began upping the intensity of my workouts and adding in some additional cardio.  We’ll continue to adjust my meals and training regime week by week as we will really be able to see the changes with the added attention to posing.  Carb cycling, cardio, and depletion workouts are on the cusp and I welcome all challenges; for I will NOT be defeated!!  We really do manifest our own destinies, and positivity IS power!!

     I wanted to take a quick second to thank my coach, incredible wife, and all my friends for their support, care and continued efforts to help push me to be the best that I can be!  I couldn’t do it without you guys!  Thanks for dealing with my grumpiness (yes…I’m the common male who turns into the world’s biggest baby when he’s sick!) and always trying to put a smile on my face!  It’s appreciated more than you know!

     Hope you are all pushing forwards toward your goals!  Remember, life can be relentless; but that’s what puts us out on top.  That’s what helps us appreciate the good!  Stay Strong friends.

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at: 

Facebook Page
970Muscle Website

970Muscle Facebook Page

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Put Visualization Into Action!

Put Visualization Into Action!

     Most everyone understands that they need to put in work to experience results, however what few understand and even fewer practice is what comes before the work! Newton described action with his Principle of Inertia, in that “an object will continue moving at it’s current velocity until some force causes it’s speed or direction to change.” How does this apply to our fitness? Well, read on…

     Before we ever get started in something the outcome is very much set into place by what we do before we act, this is what I refer to as Trombetta’s Theory of Predictable Outcomes, in that “every action is preceded by visualization which will have an exponential effect on the outcome.” What this theory simply states is that everything that we do first begins within us; our minds, our bodies, our souls and by acknowledging this we are able to use this power to our benefit and create our outcome! If we precede our actions with positive visualizations they multiply into everything that takes place next. You see, like all things it truly begins and ends with us, the circular nature of life is very real and very powerful! If we visualize the outcome that we want with a positive mind and a can/will do attitude we are very likely to accomplish what we desire because we set ourselves up on a path to create our outcome! Yet, the opposite is also true; if we begin with a negative mind and see what we are doing as an impossibility and listen to all of the external negative forces we are not only likely to never start at all, but also fail miserably when and if we begin. It is also very important to note that there is also a third beginning that is very negative and this is passive visualization or not visualizing anything at all, which can often times be worse than outright negativity as it leaves the door open for anything to come in and breaks your focus from what you are trying to accomplish, this is where very unstable foundations are built. The take away message to all of this is every action really is preceded by our thoughts and if we wish for our outcome to be positive, we had better begin with a positive mindset and outlook, otherwise our negative or misguided motion can be very difficult to change once started!

     So, how do you apply this theory to your benefit? Well, start by always making a conscious effort to see things with your “mind’s eye” before they happen, this doesn’t mean having the ability to see the future, but rather creating it! If you see yourself completing the reps, eating all your meals, being confident on stage, etc… You eventually WILL do it! Visualization is very real and practiced by many who are top in their field, whether it is business or fitness! Take charge of your thoughts and you WILL take charge of your outcome! When there are doubters or negative influences (and there WILL be plenty of them), you simply pay no attention to them and keep on moving in your direction and you will eventually reach a point where you are headed on such a strong path of motion that it would take a very strong object to divert you. By the time you reach this point, a simple diversion really only becomes an obstacle and we all know obstacles are made to be overcome!
If you have already started visualizing things simply from reading this article, you are already well on your way to an unstoppable path, a path that we are all capable of, a path that has always been there… We just need to “see” it!

" Every action is preceded by visualization which will have an exponential effect on the outcome."
-Trombetta’s Theory of Predictable Outcomes-

            Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!

By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-

Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:

970Muscle Website

970Muscle Facebook Page

Monday, February 18, 2013

Education, Work, and Persistence

  Education, Work, and Persistence

            To me, these are the three key elements in seeing a change in both your body AND mind.  There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.  There is no secret diet, no special exercise, and no one supplement that is going to get you magical results.  It takes proper nutrition, a LOT of hard work, and time.  Make a commitment to yourself for the benefit of health, fitness, and appeal. 

            We should all really make a vow to ourselves to never stop learning in life; ESPECIALLY when it comes to the complexity of the human body.  After all, your body is the only true place that you have to live!  With the cost of medicine, the joy of life, and desire to be the best you can be…why wouldn’t you want to educate yourself on how to achieve your goals and what the effects and affects are to your body when it comes to both nutrition AND physical exercise?!  I would recommend anyone, and really-EVERYONE to get in touch with the RIGHT trainer when beginning their fitness journey.  I just urge that you don’t become dependent of them; Ask questions, take notes, and make it understandable and functional for YOU!  Make it something that will interest you and give you a baseline to build off of.  RESEARCH questions that you may have or that other people might bring up to you once you are recognized for your achievements!  It will happen.   I promise.  Unfortunately, the most asked question I get:  “What are you taking?”  (Friends- please, please, please…DO NOT ask this question to someone you know that has obviously worked their ass off for a desirable physique!  It’s offensive and just shows ignorance on your part!  …just my two cents :)  Learn basic nutrition and the breakdown of macros to know what will help you reach your goals.  Learn the musculoskeletal system and how each exercise works for its specific target. It will not only help you perform the exercise correctly, but help with the always necessary mind-to-muscle connection that is incredibly beneficial! 

            Can you just follow a meal plan and a workout sheet and get by?  Sure.  But why wouldn’t you want to take it on your own know what you’re putting in your body and what you are physically doing to it to get one result or the other??  Think long term and the big picture benefits!  Learn so you can encourage others to make the same positive changes and embark on an incredibly beneficial journey!

            Work (noun); Activity involving mental physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

            It’s no secret that it takes a great amount of work to accomplish your goals of fitness and physical change.  There’s no way out of it.  My friends at Earn It Apparel nailed it with their mantra that “Nothing Great is Given.”  If it was, it wouldn’t be worth having.  With that being said; the reward for achieving your results would be MUCH less rewarding if it didn’t require the dedication and work that you put into reaching them.  This is also why a strong support group is SOO valuable!  Surround yourself with like-minded people that are willing to share the struggles with you and not only your rewards!  Put in the work.  Every. Damn. Day.  In one way or another, you should be working towards your goals.  Whether it be physically in the gym, working in the kitchen to prepare for your success, researching and learning, or even planning rest; it’s all considered work that is crucial for you to reach what you’re striving for.

“No one said it’d be easy, but it WILL be worth it.” 

            Persistence.  Give it time guys and gals.  If you have the mentality that “I’m going to go on this diet for a month and get to where I’m happy with my body and I’ll be good”…you are sadly mistaken.  That’s why “diets” don’t work.  Commit to a healthy meal plans that is sustainable and works FOR you!  If you lose 5 or even 10 pounds in a month on some extreme or bizarre diet...10 times out of 10 you WILL gain every bit of that back.  Maybe more.  Be sensible with your choices and accept that it will take time and work to not only get to where you want to be, but to MAINTAIN it as well!  Don’t give up.  Not now.  Not ever.

            I’m now just under 8 weeks out from competition and I have NO complaints!  Strength has improved and I’ve managed to gain noticeable size WHILE dropping body fat – the ideal scenario!!  I’ll begin shaving calories and carb cycling to really work towards ultimate leanness and getting those deep cuts!  I hope everyone else is doing great with their progress and staying strong!  Remember;  It’s more than physical.

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at:
970Muscle Website:

970Muscle Facebook Page:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why Bodybuilding?

Why Bodybuilding?

I didn’t choose bodybuilding; bodybuilding chose me. 

     I’ve been asked countless times, “what got you into bodybuilding?”  Or, “why would you go put yourself through all of that?”  Honestly…I’ve asked myself the same thing at times!  Haha, Juuusst kidding!  This sport, and the fitness lifestyle, is certainly not for the weak or faint of heart.  It takes Dedication, Determination, and Drive.  It takes patience, discipline, consistency, accountability, passion, honesty, faithfulness, and COUNTLESS other extremely powerful traits that can, and WILL eventually land you on top.  By “top” I don’t mean taking first place at a competition either!  

     As you learned in my last blog, I wasn’t the naturally muscular or genetically “gifted” individual that took to the fitness lifestyle because it was an obvious or easy path for me.  It was in fact those above-mentioned traits that lead me to it…and will also carry me through to reach my goals!!  It’s the same reasons why I excelled in school and academics as to why I found a passion in the fitness lifestyle.  In the beginning, it’s the instant gratification and reward; that feeling when you ace a test can be related to the first signs of change or progress when getting into fitness!  You get complimented by others for a job well done…and it feels GOOD!!  You WORKED for something and got the results you DESERVED!  Whether or not you continue with your “success” is entirely up to you and your desire to reach your goals.  Just as it took the discipline to study in school, to focus and to do your homework; you dedicate yourself to whatever it takes to get the job done!  The best part is that as I’ve progressed through fitness, I’ve been able to refine such traits and use them to take control of LIFE!!

     You see, each and every one of the “skills” used in fitness can and SHOULD be adapted into everyday life.  What this sport has given back to ME, is nothing short of a blessing.  Aside from the health aspects, the benefits of the lifestyle have developed me into who I am today.  With bodybuilding, every move you take, every decision you make (sorry if that song is now stuck in your head…) impacts your end result.  Should you skip this one workout and go have a beer with the guys?  Is that donut really going to hurt me?  In the long run; maybe so…maybe not.  The big picture is these decisions you make eventually can lead you to a slippery slope, or they can carry you through and bring perseverance to “life”.  I feel that it’s a grey world that we live in - not black and white.  We are an entity comprised of individuals, and that makes the world complete and diverse.  With that being said, I feel like there is not necessarily a right or wrong choice most of the time, but there will always be a “better” choice.  What that “better” choice actually is will depend on your morals and goals in life.  Am I suggesting that everyone gets involved in bodybuilding to make the world a better place?  -Absolutely not.  Am I judging people that make life choices other than those that coincide with a fitness lifestyle?  -Come on!  What this fitness lifestyle does is hold us accountable to goals we set – and that’s what it all boils down to in my opinion.  It’s just like a marriage; you can’t cheat on your goals and expect them to work out for you!!  Again, you use the discipline, you use your dedication, and you RESPECT YOURSELF enough to take each and every step to move TOWARDS your goal!  If you aren’t moving in the direction towards your goal, you’re moving backwards. 

     Another one of the greatest things that this lifestyle has brought me is a second family.  Not just within 970Muscle, but the fitness community in a whole!  It is by far the most positive, uplifting, and encouraging group I’ve been involved with.  I’ve been fortunate to have met some absolutely incredible people that have truly impacted my life.  At times, its friends like this that really pull you through a lull spot in training, or reaching your goals.  I’ve literally met people in other cities and gotten to know them well enough that once we met in person, it was as if we were long lost friends.  Even though it exists, it doesn’t take research to show you that you will grow a special bond with those who you not only suffer or sacrifice with, but also succeed with!  I feel like this is what makes our fitness community so strong and successful!  We relate to each other’s struggles, and accompany our passion with success.

Ok, off my soap box…

     My training has been going great!  Progression has been positive and I’ve been strong on diet and with my workouts!  Slowly dropping body fat while GAINING quality muscle!  Gotta love that!!  Lifting heavy and packing in the food! (Quality food, that is!)  The best part; I’m enjoying every minute of it!!  I’ve also been able to help others where I can and still work towards my goals, which means everything to me!  We’ll be taking measurements soon so I’ll get you guys updates in the next blog.  I hope you all are successfully moving in a direction towards your goals as well, and if there is anything I can do to help any of you get there; shout!!  :)

     Thanks again for taking the time to read, and feedback is always appreciated!  Remember, positivity is power friends!!

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at:
970Muscle Website:

970Muscle Facebook Page:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Progress NOT Perfection!

Progress NOT Perfection!

With the coming of the New Year and so many people beginning their resolutions it is very important to talk about the idea of “perfection” that many of us hold or rather, society holds. You see, we live in an imperfect world so to expect and even aim for perfection does nothing but set us up for failure in the long run. The true skill is recognizing that life truly is a journey with many twists and turns and if through it all we strive for Progress and NOT Perfection we are able to make continual long-term improvements. The beauty is finding that it is our imperfections that make us unique, if we all were perfect, we all would be the same and what a boring place that would be!

As we set out to begin the New Year it is far more effective to realize that things will come up and not go as planned, but if we are able to acknowledge them, learn from them, and move on… We are making progress rather than beating ourselves up over and over because we or someone else has an idea of perfect! It is quite fascinating that we humans are the only species in existence that will make ourselves and others pay over and over for our mistakes, when we do this we are constantly revisiting the past and creating this destructive cycle again! Acknowledge, Learn, and Move On!

Often times we forget that we truly cannot know what someone else is going through or what may drive them, but we can be receptive and supportive to them. Even our own ideals and drivers will change from time to time and thus the exact reason why progress is key, with progress we can make continual dynamic improvements; but, with perfect we are chasing a very static ideal that often times isn’t even our own, which in all reality is unattainable! In training this is where learning to manipulate what works for each of us is so key, granted a large majority of things will work for a lot of people, but knowing how to go about and accomplish these things is what makes us unique. Never underestimate the power of our minds and a simple concept change in what we are striving for allows for us to stay in it for the long-term! I still remember listening to “The Tortoise and The Hare” on tape as my Mom would take me to school when I was a child and how very true that lesson is! It doesn’t matter how hard we go, if we burnout, we will never achieve as much as the tactful individual who is making continual progress!

I urge you all to take some time and think about this, I know many will still say that each day, each lift, each meal should be PERFECT… But the sooner we realize that they won’t be, the sooner we can set ourselves up to make real, long-term lasting changes. We can make progress from our faults, never be afraid to fail! Acknowledge, Learn, and Move On!

"Never get so caught up in chasing perfection that you neglect progress."
-Derek M. Trombetta-

            Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!

By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-
Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:
970Muscle Website

970Muscle Facebook Page

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Northern “Exposure” - Do you know Nick Stanko?

Northern “Exposure” - Do you know Nick Stanko?

     Hey everyone!  First off, I am both honored and humbled that Derek has the faith and respect in me to represent such a powerful entity as 970Muscle!!  I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to allow my voice to be heard, and potentially use this blog as a wonderful tool to make a lasting difference in even one person.
     My name is Nick Stanko, and I’m 28 years old from Grand Junction, Colorado.  Growing up, I always wanted to simply grow up, go to work every day, and raise a family.  I still to this day, don’t understand why I wanted to rush through life. It always seemed like I was in a race to some socially driven, imaginary finish line.  I carried two jobs all the way through high school and was never interested in any type of athletics.  I enjoyed some outdoor activities and more of the “extreme sports”, but was never in a situation that would cause me to understand or take an interest in fitness.  I graduated college with an Associates of Applied Science in Aviation Maintenance at age 20 and began my career the week after graduation.  As I began to accept that I was on my way to “living the dream”, I decided to do something about my dissatisfaction with my body.  I made my first attempt at a bench press in the Colorado University at Boulder’s weight room at 20 years old.  I’ll never forget it.  I was 5’10” tall, and 126 pounds.  My buddy racked up a staggering 90 pounds on the bench.  I nervously laid underneath the weight, with a cheesy grin, and immediately dropped it to my chest…and I literally mean DROPPED it!!  We ended up stripping the weight until I could achieve my first successful set of 8 reps.  I was bench pressing THE BAR.  That’s right, no weights loaded on it, but simply a 45 pound bar. 

 …and so sparked my determination. 
     Another friend of mine took me under his wing, not long after that, and showed me around a weight room.  At 22 years old, I knew how to get through a workout without hurting myself, and grew to 132 pounds!!!  Ohh YEAH!!  I stuck with it and “lifted weights” consistently.  Change was inevitable, and nothing fueled my fire like seeing an old friend and getting complimented on putting on muscle!  I got to a point where my body was no longer responding to what I was doing.  Obviously frustrated, I began looking to resources and I couldn’t have been more fortunate to have found Derek Trombetta and 970Muscle in the very gym that I made my home.  With a combination of Derek’s knowledge, motivation, and burning desire to help others, along with the constant motivation from my team and several incredible workout partners, I continued to transform my body.  I leaned the difference between “working out” and “training” when I set a goal to compete in a NPC Men’s Physique competition in mid-2011.  I accomplished that goal in August of 2011 at the NPC Warrior Classic in Loveland, CO.  I had an absolutely amazing time competing with a newfound family in 970 Muscle and walked away with countless unforgettable and cherished memories!!  I quickly learned what “stage presence” was at this event!  J  I placed at the bottom of the pack, all due to nerves and an unclear mind.  This will be a topic I will discuss in future blogs!  However, I can’t even count the number of genuine, kind, loving, like-minded people in the NPC community and have developed several TRUE friendships as a result!  That, as well as accomplishing my goal of simply undergoing a 16+ week commitment, meant I won.  I went on to compete in April of 2012 at the NPC Axis Labs Northern CO and placed 6th in both of my classes as a result of great learning from the experiences during my last show, and continued improvements on my physique.
    Just a couple of weeks after the Northern, I was in a four-wheeler accident that left me with a 6” plate in my left forearm and 6 screws.  Needless to say, with a passion that requires all mobility and function of your body, I was absolutely crushed.  However, with uplifting words from several friends, and nothing but support, I progressed with my goals.  One week after surgery I was back in the gym.  No one was going to keep me out.  For over 3 months I trained nothing but legs.  Legs, legs, and more legs.  Every two days I would be attacking the weights with a great vengeance motivated by a healing left arm tied up in a sling.  I (somewhat) followed doctors’ orders and began training upper body as soon as I could.  Late 2012 also brought me a major sinus surgery that put me out for another 3 weeks.  Grrr…
Ok, enough of the cry-baby crap…
     Even with all the circumstances stated, I’ve made great gains in this “off season”.  Remember friends, setbacks are merely set-ups for great comebacks!!   I am now just under 12 weeks away from the 2013 AXIS LABS Northern Colorado BB/FIT/FIG/BIK/PHYS Championships, and my very first Bodybuilding competition.  I hope you are all just as excited to follow me, as I am to have this opportunity to reach out and hopefully help everyone (in one way or another) who takes the time to read my words.  Please follow me and 970Muscle along my journey and transformation to what will undoubtedly be the best package I can bring to a stage!!

There.  Now you “kind of” know Nick Stanko.   ;-)

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at:
Facebook Page
970Muscle Website

970Muscle Facebook Page

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why did you start?

Why did you start?

No matter what we accomplish or what we are going through, we all at times will go through moments where we question what we are doing or just want to give up all together. These are the times that truly define someone who has the Warrior Spirit, you see, it is easy for anyone to give thanks, be excited, and have endless energy when things are going great and everything seems to just be happening in our favor. The times when the chips are down are the times we really have three choices to make; just stay where we are at, give in to the urge to quit, or realize why we started in the first place and snap out of it and make it happen! You see, to say that we all do not experience trying times would simply be naive, but in the grand scheme of this life and there being literally millions of things that go into what is happening at our present moments, we are also very naive to not realize that things are just as they should be! This is a concept that is very easy to say, but also very difficult to master; it takes the realization that our reactions and attitudes ultimately dictate our outcomes. It takes the realization that with millions of things coming into play to make a single moment, that there are far many factors other than just what we are currently doing. Above all, it takes the realization that people, things, and events do not in themselves cause emotions or dictate whether something is “good” or “bad,” but rather how we perceive them and if we treat life as a learning experience, rather than just something to mindlessly discount as if it isn’t our fault. Let me tell you, with the utmost conviction, that everything that we feel and experience is ultimately by our own doing, our greatest secret lies deep within ourselves, where we already have the answers!

With Fitness and Life in general the times that can be the most difficult are when we have feelings of being lost, or just not sure what we are doing is working. At these times it is so important to take some time for reflection and ask yourself, “why did I start?” Often times the reason we started is very far from our present situation and that in itself is a large reason why we may be having feelings of doubt. Doing things that matter to us and ultimately have a strong emotional tie, will always have a large impact on our being and when we stray too far from the core values we have, we will always be reminded. Sometimes we do just not want to pay attention or acknowledge that we have strayed and going down this path too long will ultimately lead to our perceived failures. This also goes to show the power of having a strong foundation, when shaken, we always fall back to our foundation and if our foundation is strong, we will outlast and if not, we will crumble!

Think back to the very first time you decided to enter the gym; this first experience is very intimidating, but also very exciting at the same time! The nerves rush as you see the rows of machines and weights; you have visions of all the wonderfully fit people and the ones beginning their journeys too! The thrill of making progress, seeing, and feeling gains is priceless and so much more than just the outward. Think of how you grew in the gym, but also as a person as you were taught that no matter what, 100lbs will always be 100lbs, it is consistent, it is unbiased, and just because you conquered it one day, does not mean that you will the next, but there are many more days! Think of the first time you really set a goal that seemed impossible and then you achieved it, remember how amazing that felt? Think of the first time a friend or family member who hadn’t been supporting your decisions gave you a compliment on your drive and determination, WOW, no matter how slight, it felt amazing! Think back… Remember the first time someone else came up to you and told you that you inspired them, remember that? Think of how you are creating something larger than yourself; think of all the relationships built around your lifestyle! Remember the first supplement you got, how excited you were to see the results… tomorrow, yeah, I remember that too :) Remember the first time people started correlating you and fitness and asking questions and paying attention to things you do and trying them for themselves? Think way back; remember the thought when you realized “if I had only known what I know now when I started?” Think of all the crazy things, the funny things, the times you laughed, the times you cried, the times you outright puked from a workout… Ahhh! Remember the first time you felt like not going to the gym or missing your workout and you went ANYWAYS and it felt absolutely amazing, funny how that works! I could go on and on about all of the amazing memories that we all have from living the fitness lifestyle; some of you may have experienced all of these, for some, they are yet to come… But, they will be there! The bottom line is that no matter where you are or what you are going through, you started for a reason and to reminisce and remember those special moments is truly powerful! Our lives and those we encounter are forever shaped because of these moments…

Remember the time you threw it all in, the time you were knocked down and didn’t get back up, remember the time you gave up? If this memory escapes you, then you have already won! It isn’t about where you’re at, but rather what it took for you to get there. REMEMBER THAT!

"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to."
-George Allen-

            Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!

By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-
Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:
970Muscle Website

970Muscle Facebook Page