Sunday, March 17, 2013

Poise – Not always a “light” load to carry.

Poise – Not always a “light” load to carry.

     How we carry ourselves is often times the only basis of perception that the outside world has on us.  First impressions are often times our last impression, and while it doesn’t always seem like it matters what’s going through our personal thoughts at any given time, you’d be amazed at what can be telegraphed through our body language.  This was a lesson I learned the hard way at my first show.  Stage fright, nervousness, jitters, or butterflies are understandable and pretty much expected; but when your mind is not right, you’re cutting your own legs right out from underneath you before you even step on stage.  This doesn’t only apply to competition either… this is LIFE my friends!  

     The above picture was taken at the night show of the 2011 Warrior.  Looking at this picture, I feel proud.  I feel happy with my journey up to that point and it all stems from the smile on my face.  However, I still wish I could go back to that very morning during pre-judging and do it all over again.  At pre-judging, just hours before, I looked NOTHING like this – and it had NOTHING to do with any changes in my body or posing.  I can’t tell you everything that was going through my head at the time, but I know it was about 90% negative and it showed through my facial expressions and body language like you wouldn’t believe.  Standing up there, I had no idea.  But I’ll never forget the questions and looks on my teammate’s faces when I got off the stage.  I placed last in my class (16th) at this show.  Again, placings are not the reason why I compete and in my opinion, shouldn’t matter to anyone unless you are looking at taking things to a professional level.  Nonetheless, the disappointment of placing last as a sole result of my actions and attitude for the (maybe) 5 minutes I had on stage, is the biggest let down I could imagine and I PROMISE you…it will never happen again.  I urge ALL competitors to take this seriously.  Not just for the sake of wanting to place better, but for your own piece of mind and enjoyment.  DON’T do what I did and destroy months’ worth of sacrifice and hard work because you can’t find the right place in your head to stand proud and soak in every incredible moment you have on stage, AND the times that brought you there!  Think back at the incredible journey that took to where you are.  Think of all the people that supported you and your goals along the way.  Take pride in the fact that you committed to such an incredible feat and STUCK WITH IT!!  There is so much to be thankful for and appreciate at any moment.  Your time on stage is time to SHINE!

      Like I said before, this applies to everyone, at any given time.  In that business meeting or presentation, approaching someone of the opposite sex, as you sit down in front of your peers with the same chicken and rice and vegetables that you eat EVERY day at lunch; ANYTHING that you have set your mind to accomplish should be carried out with your maximum effort and best attitude!  Be confident that you are taking action that supports yourself and your goals.  Self-doubt and insecurities don’t look good on anyone and should be permanently locked up!  Head up, shoulders back, and walk tall my friends.  Carry yourself with grace, elegance, balance, and confidence.  Please though, use caution and DO NOT mistake confidence for cockiness…no one has time for that.  ;-)  Also, never underestimate the power of a smile.  Try it out next time you are in public.  You never know, you might save a life.

     My competition prep is moving right along and I’ve certainly gained a whole new level of respect for the sport after two weeks of posing practice!  It’s a workout in itself!  I never doubted it, but you never know what things are like until you experience them yourself.  The next 4 weeks of conditioning are very exciting and I get to watch my physique really take shape and transform!  Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you are all moving forward with your goals!  Stay Strong!!

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at: 

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Real Life.

Real Life.

     Hey friends!  The 2013 NPC Axis Labs Northern Colorado Championships are now 6 weeks out, and the game is just as serious as ever!  Training, diet, prep, posing, and mental toughness are a true test each and every day.  I said it once, and I’ll say it a million times; this sport is not for the weak.  The last two weeks have been less than pleasurable for me and my progress, but the fact of life remains no matter what goals, hopes, or dreams we have in front of us!  Unfortunately I have been plagued by a nasty virus, followed by sinus infection, and general illness that has been less than favorable towards my progress, goals, and especially my attitude.  But it’s not over!

     I’m going to keep it real with you guys.  I’m not someone who sees life as nothing but sunshine and rainbows.  It’s just not.  With that being said, I still strive and encourage everyone to see the positives in any and all oppositions that come our way in “the real world”.  I’m definitely a realist, but please don’t take anything I say as pessimism.  I chose to accept all emotions willingly, and use them to my advantage.  In my opinion, hate is the second most powerful emotion to love; but you must know how to control and channel hate to use it to your benefit.   Is it a negative emotion or just a dangerous, difficult one?  Really that’s up to you, your control and your approach to life.  In the last couple weeks I’ve experienced everything from pride, success, and empowerment, all the way to frustration, weakness, and defeat.  I’m no different than anyone else!  What makes “us” different is to have the heart and soul of a champion.  “It’s not how many times you’ve been knocked down, it’s how many times you can get hit and keep going!”  

     Not being healthy enough to get your workouts in, or to push yourself to your full potential can be incredibly challenging to one’s mental strength and detriment.  We should only be in this to compete with ourselves, but there is that determination in us to push as hard as we possibly can and bring our absolute best package.  I’m not going to lie…there have been days in the last two weeks that it was advised that I just rest and let my body recover; great advice, but not easy to take.  There were days that I took this advice and days that I pushed through anyway.  With both of these aspects, I had days where I thought to myself, “well, that was dumb…should’ve just went to bed”, and days that I felt accomplished and better after my lift.  We’ve all dealt with this and will ultimately make our own decision based on all factors of “life” around us.  By all means, if you think you may have a contagious virus, please stay out of the gym and save others around you from suffering!!  It was once I was on antibiotics is when I chose to push or not.  It’s very difficult for me to accept that it’s best for me to rest and relax when I’m this close to being able to show off what I’ve worked so hard and long for; but it truly is the best thing in the long run.  It’s a journey, not a destination.  Health should stay as our number one priority.  

     I’m looking forward to all the upcoming posing practice and really dialing everything in as soon as I am back to health!  My goal is to really focus on my conditioning from here on in!  Slowly dropping the body fat and maintain muscle mass.  I’ve began upping the intensity of my workouts and adding in some additional cardio.  We’ll continue to adjust my meals and training regime week by week as we will really be able to see the changes with the added attention to posing.  Carb cycling, cardio, and depletion workouts are on the cusp and I welcome all challenges; for I will NOT be defeated!!  We really do manifest our own destinies, and positivity IS power!!

     I wanted to take a quick second to thank my coach, incredible wife, and all my friends for their support, care and continued efforts to help push me to be the best that I can be!  I couldn’t do it without you guys!  Thanks for dealing with my grumpiness (yes…I’m the common male who turns into the world’s biggest baby when he’s sick!) and always trying to put a smile on my face!  It’s appreciated more than you know!

     Hope you are all pushing forwards toward your goals!  Remember, life can be relentless; but that’s what puts us out on top.  That’s what helps us appreciate the good!  Stay Strong friends.

Follow Nick and his journey to step on stage in his first Bodybuilding Contest and turn his Dreams into Realities! With Nick's Discipline, Drive, and Determination you too will be inspired! For further information you can contact Nick at: 

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