You are
Greater than You! (You > You)
ago there was a man who each day walked to town around a large mountain, the
same as many others did. Each day this man would pick up a stone from the mountain
and place it to the side of his path, this went on for many years. Soon others
began to do the same as they saw the man slowly moving the mountain from their
path! Now, sometime the stones would fall down, sometimes someone else would
put them right back, but most of the time they stayed right where they were
placed. As more and more people joined in, the once mighty mountain was
dwindled away to nothing and the path they ventured became a straight line!
What is the moral of this story? Well, as individuals we can only do so much,
but collectively we can move mountains! By committing to something greater than
ourselves we are able to truly help this world and gain the most satisfaction
in our own lives!
does this apply to fitness? Well, since our fitness is only a mirror of our
lives, it applies greatly! For instance, why do you think it is that so many
thrive in a team environment or a single player does not define great teams? It
is simple, when individuals commit to the greater good of all, they in turn
benefit the most! This is very important when it comes to the long haul, really
anyone can stay motivated and driven as an individual for only so long, but
commit yourself to a greater cause or collective goal and the motivation is
really endless! Sure, there are times when what is best for the whole is not
the best for the individual, but those times are far less than the immense
benefit from a team’s output! The other amazing aspect of committing yourself
to something greater is that while we only have limited time, an idea or
creation can live on forever! Think of the many amazing companies that were
started by generations of the past or even our forefathers who chartered this
amazing country! Of course, where would fitness be without Arnold and where
would Arnold be without creating something greater than himself?
thinking of personal goals, it is always helpful to think of how that same goal
could benefit others; you see, life is a big circle and what we do to benefit
others will eventually come back to benefit us. The exact opposite is of course
true as well, only think of yourself and when it comes your time, others will
do the very same, thus hurting everyone’s outcome! Try to envision the big
picture, as an example, maybe you are an aspiring competitor and throughout
your training you blog about your workouts, diet, etc… Well, those that read
your words will benefit by your willingness to share your experience and one
day when you are on stage those very same people will be cheering you on!
times it seems as if the good that we do goes unnoticed and that is very true,
doing good or helping others is not about the immediate gain, but rather the
long-term satisfaction! What is more important to you? Winning a trophy by any
means necessary that will one day tarnish or being a good role model to those
that are just getting started and one day hearing how you inspired someone else
to change their life? If you prefer the trophy, it just means that you have not
had enough time to be ready to commit yourself to the greater cause and fully
realize that you ARE greater than you! Time is the best teacher and in time we
all eventually see that life is about far more than what we can get, it is
about what we can give, what we can create, what will live on! You see… We all
have limited time, but with the right efforts and the understanding that we are
meant for so much greater things than we even know; we are able to live on
through eternity, if only as an idea!
challenge all that read this to take a few minutes and really think how what
you are doing can benefit others; sometimes it may take just a minor
adjustment. I wish for you all to experience the power of being greater than
yourself… We can do it together!
“No man or woman is an island. To
exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction
when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than
-Denis Waitley-
Thank You to ALL who take the time
to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much
closer to My Goal!
Derek M. Trombetta
-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-
Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:
970Muscle Website
970Muscle Facebook Page